Photos by Jet Tila
For the first time in a long time, I have jetlag. And it's not the average kind that I used to get when traveling between England and Australia when I would wake up at 3:00 in the morning and then promptly go back to sleep. This is complete exhaustion where I simply can't stay awake any longer and fall sound asleep at 4.30 in the afternoon. I must be getting old.
These girls were on our city tour bus.
Not even the amazing sights of London could wake them.
I'm thinking jetlag.
I've come back to reality and it's really not bad at all. Perhaps my European adventure was a little premature in that I hadn't really let go of that nomadic life that I once led. Or maybe I just hadn't realized yet that I can actually apply my stellar navigation and planning skills that I once used to make 'traveling' my comfort zone, and applying them here - making LA my comfort zone. My home. My Santa Monica sanctuary!
I visited my Sensei who imparted some sage advice about life, and who was truly excited about the trinket I found for her at Portobello Road. She then sent me home for that afternoon nap I mentioned earlier, recognizing the glazed eyes, pale face and wan expression as exhaustion. And then I was to re-awaken and start putting into action all my ideas of jewelry and such like! So many ideas, so little time. Especially when you have jetlag.