Today, even though I am proudly American, I’m going to play the foreign card. I grew up in Australia, and lived in England briefly before deciding to make Los Angeles my home. I’ve also seen quite a large chunk of the globe as traveling was almost a second career. However, until I lived in America, I had never understood the amazing phenomenon of The Cupcake.
Sure, cupcakes exist in other parts of the world – that’s not a surprise. It’s the zest in which Americans embrace the whole Cupcake Culture that is truly astonishing to me. I can even make quite a lengthy list of cupcake stores – which are simply stores that only sell cupcakes. And to my surprise some months ago, my colleagues were discussing which ones they preferred and why! I stood back in awe. I then discovered, when researching cupcakes on the internet, that Los Angeles is the second biggest cupcake city in the country.
So, in an attempt to embrace more American pop culture and understand more about where I have chosen to live, I too have started sampling cupcakes from different outlets in LA.
Presenting: Sprinkles!
This is actually my second foray into the world of cupcakes. I will revisit my first taste in a later blog when I can add a photo. So this is a dark chocolate cupcake from Sprinkles in Newport Beach and it was the first time my friends had been to a Sprinkles when there wasn’t a line out the door! Remember that people. 3pm on a Tuesday seems to be the magic hour.
The Verdict... The frosting was very sweet and there was almost as much frosting as there was cake, which, for me is a little much. The cake was also quite soft and if you are going to load the cupcake with that much frosting, I would have preferred the cake a little firmer. It had a nice flavor though and overall I enjoyed my cupcake, but I will be able to compare more when I have tasted others.
There will be more cupcake adventures. Stay tuned.
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