Friday, March 13, 2009

The Princesses Tila & Duncan

It's been 7 days since surgery and she is getting active! She bowls us over on the way out of jail and tries to jump on the couch, run off to the bedroom to squish under the bed, plough through the dog door, play with Charlotte or simply do something she is not allowed to do. And as a 60 lb pooch, she can be quite forceful. Lucky I am going to the gym!

Her swelling is going down quickly and the bruising has completely gone. Her sutures are being removed next Friday and her rehab session is booked for the following week. Her poopy problem has almost ceased, but we reduced her sedative to half a tablet which may have helped with that. Arin and I did some physio with her today by putting a heat pack on the swelling, then doing some massage to help drain the last of the fluid build-up.

To help Daisy feel like she is still part of the family, Jet lifts her onto the couch so she can chill with us for a while. When it's just me and the girls, I open the crate door and set up myself a little mat beside her so I don't have to lift her up. My fear is that she will get excited and jump off the sofa and I won't be able to restrain her! The key to her recovery is controlled movement so I've started looking for a treadmill as part of her post surgery physiotherapy. We figure we have to go through this again in a few months so it's a good investment.

I feel like I have been giving Charlotte a bad wrap and I want to correct that. She is the sweetest wiener dog ever and I love her without exception! Every dog is different, and when it comes to our girls, Charlotte and Daisy are the complete anthesis in every way: size, snout, color, hair etc. Even in temperament, where Daisy is compliant, Charlotte is stubborn. Where Daisy is eager to please and uber affectionate, Charlotte is ornery and is only affectionate when she feels like it. Where it took just a day to teach Daisy how to "shake" on command, it took Charlotte 18 months! But in all their differences, they compliment each other and they both make us laugh, just in different ways.

And because they are totally co-dependent and are each others playmate, they are both currently extremely bored! Here is a little pre-surgery photo...

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