Friday, December 25, 2009

You've cooked your Christmas goose.

I am full. And not just the regular "I'm so full I can't eat anymore", I'm full to the "I need to unbutton my jeans" full. What a day of Christmas grub!

After a morning of sparsity that included only a bowl of cereal and a cup of tea, by 2pm we were chowing down on the most lovely, tasty goose ever. The blissful thing about cooking goose is that because the animal is covered in so much fat, there is no need to continually baste it as it cooks - it bastes itself. The only thing you need to do (other than stuff it with all kinds of tasty morsels) is remove the pooling fat that is continually draining from the top of the bird. Then a few hours later, voila! A perfectly cooked, all dark meat bird ready for eating.

Not only were we lucky enough to have goose, we had brussel sprouts and crispy potatoes to go along with it, accompanied by French wine, then followed by a selection of four very different cheeses. Phew!

But it didn't end there... after a brief interlude, we had fruit cake, lovingly prepared by Spencer and cooked in a wooden box that he brought with him all the way from New Zealand. It was very tasty, and perfectly weighted between the cake and the fruit and nut selection.

And I got presents. Awesome.

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