Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Rehab Session #2

Jet, Charlotte and I took Daisy to her second rehab session this past Monday. I felt bad for Charlotte having to stay at home all the time, so we took her too. I tried to take the weenie to a dog expo on Saturday on a little excursion, but although Daisy was crated with a kong as a distraction, she screamed like she was being murdered! Charlotte and I sat outside for 10 minutes to see if the noise would stop, but it didn't and when I let Charlotte go, she just ran to the door as if to say "let me in to my sister"! So I did. They were reunited. And they were quiet. And I went to the pet expo alone!

So during Daisy's second appointment, we discovered a few things. Although her range of motion had improved by 5 degrees, she was still not weight bearing as she should be at the 4 week mark. This is a concern to us both, so we are going to be extra vigilant over this next week and take her in to see the vet next week after her next rehab consultation.

We had a different rehabilitation consultant this week and she suggested that maybe Daisy is not weight bearing because she has an underlying infection caused by the plate. She said that the plate could be removed if necessary, by a very simple, fast, painless and relatively non-invasive procedure. She also pointed out, that Daisy actually had 2 surgeries: the TPLO and the patella surgery at the same time. So we should maybe give her a bit of extra leeway with regard to the speed of her recovery. As parents though, we are concerned.

As I write, the girls are curled up asleep together which is bliss for me. When they are both awake, all they want to do is play! I feel like an ogre when I have to enforce the rules and make them stop. I'm sure they call me Shrek when I am out of earshot. Jet, on the other hand, is the Alpha with the calm, assertive energy, so not only do they chill out, he only has to say one word and they do what he says!!

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