Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Week 6

We just had Daisy's 6-week rehab appointment and as luck would have it, her surgeon walked past as we were trying to coax her with food to keep walking on the treadmill. He came in when he realized it was us, and asked about Daisy's progress. We had the same rehab therapist as we did the first week, and we all agreed, that she should be progressing better than she is. At week 6, although the bone isn't completely healed yet, there shouldn't be the limping that she is presenting with. The puzzling part is that her range of motion is great; it's her weight bearing that is lagging.

In the tank having a breather between tready sessions.

So her surgeon did a bit of manipulation and prodding and poking around the wound and the plate and agreed that she seems a little sore at the distal end of the plate. This could be from a low grade infection (some dogs get this) which can be fixed with antibiotics. So we got a prescription of antibiotics and they took some x-rays to make sure everything was in order, and we need to report back at the end of this week. If she stops hurting and starts using her leg, we will know it's an infection. If the antibiotics make no difference, it may just be that she needs more time to heal. Either way, plate removal is looking more and more like an option.

But even though she is still limping around, she is back to herself again! Trying to instigate trouble and steal food off the counter.

We let them wrestle if there is no running or chasing involved...
can't steal all their fun!

Meanwhile, Charlotte had a haircut as we thought it was time to free her from her woolly coat! She had a #7 blade haircut and looks absolutely adorable. She didn't like it to begin with and was acting all introverted and sad. And to make matters worse, Daisy had no idea who she was when we got back into the car and it took her a while of butt sniffing to realize it was her sister!

Pinky's new haircut!

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